Revival at Mastin Lake COGOP

The Mastin Lake Church of God of Prophecy has extended their revival at least until Wednesday, but there are no limits on how long it will go. As long as God keeps moving they will keep meeting. 7 p.m. nightly!

Sunday Morning attendance was 147, including many visitors who had heard what God is doing and they came to see for themselves. They had at least three racial groups represented (An answer to their prayers to be a church to the nations and all races). One first time visitor family was Egyptian. This family came from the Egyptian Coptic Church, but heard of the miracles and wanted to have prayer over their positions as Drs. at Huntsville Hospital. They were very impressed and hopefully will return. Another family just relocated from Charlotte, NC and are members at the COGOP there. Many came forward for prayer. God definitely ministered.
Sunday Night attendance was 101, including quite a few visitors again and God was working on them. Sunday Night was such a powerful time. God used the worship leaders and choir in a great way. Bro. Jim Williams preached on Noah and those who were left out of the ark. He challenged everyone not to wait too long. As the altar call was given, the people responded and the altar filled up.

-Several were slain in the Spirit
-5 were healed (One at home while we were at church praying for them)
-1 was saved
-3 were sanctified
-3 were baptized in the Holy Spirit (Two were sanctified and received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost as Bro. Williams baptized them in water)
-3 were baptized in water
-One delivered from Cigarette Addiction, he hasn’t smoked since Wednesday (He had been a smoker for almost 40 years!)

Totals as of Sunday for the “Revival”
15 Saved
9 Sanctified
9 Baptized in the Holy Ghost
21 Healed
4 Joined the Church

Keep the Prayers going and pray that all of our churches will catch fire!

Pastor Charles
Mastin Lake Church