Praise Report From Russia

Dear brothers and sisters!

Couple days ago I got Internet so now we can communicate, Praise the Lord!

At first, I want to praise God for his care and love! Every day we see that He loves us and makes miracles in our lives!

We arrived to Russia on July 13. God amazingly blessed our trip. In every step we took, we saw God's hands upon us.
Some days ago God showed us one more time - HOW POWERFUL AND AWSOME HE IS! Our son got really sick. He had stomachache. For ten days we tried to cure him: got him inspected in two clinics, and made about eight tests but doctors couldn't recognize diagnose of the pain. Little Paul didn't want to eat for about nine days, he would always throw up, and his stomach would always hurt. Neither doctors nor medicines could help him. All they did was some pain frizzing shots that would stop pain for two hours. Night of august 30th we had no strength and were loosing hope. Around 2am in the morning we felt fear and concern, devil tried to destroy our peace. We do not have any medical incurrence here, it will coast us a lot to go to hospital again, so we got up for a prayer. I called my friends over and we were praying almost for whole night. It was a battle. I was carrying little Paul in my arms, and suddenly we saw that he finally felt asleep. I put him into the bed and he was sleeping for a long time!!! It was a victory from GOD! In the morning he woke up as a different kid, we couldn't believe - he asked for food! God had touched him on that night. Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus!

Brothers and sisters thank you for standing with us in faith and prayers! WE serve our Almighty God!
Thank you for your support in prayers and financial needs. We pray that God would bless you and your families.

We LOVE you!

God bless.

Your missionary to Russia
Brother Dmitry and Iryna Kavaleuski