Letter from Russia

Dear Brothers and sisters!

Thank you for your love and support!

Couple days ago we got notified that we have to move out of our apartment.

Our owner decided to sell it. Now we are praying and searching for rent a new apartment. Unfortunately, to rent an apartment in Russia is much harder than in US. We don't have any clubs or government apartments corporations in Russia. So, we have to search for rent by owners. Pease pray that God will send us good and kind people, which will love God and Christianity. Some people here don't like the protestant churches, so sometimes is very hard to find a place for rent. We pray that God and will help us to find a place to stay as soon as possible because it’s getting colder. This week we had 8 degrees in C above 0. Thank you for remembering us in prays.

We love you!

Your missionary to Russia

Dmitry and Iryna Kavaleuski