Camp Boothe Board Meeting

The Camp Boothe Board met September 27th in Cullman. The following items were discussed:
*August Financial Report.
*Monthly Maintenance Report.
*Report of Rentals: Brother Joey Mojica shared that we have some tremendous opportunities with new rentals. A large church in Texas is scheduled to rent the camp with 150-200 people attending their retreat in February.
*Status of Septic system upgrade: New septic systems have been installed and expanded for dorms 1, 2 & 4. The cost of this project was $10,000.00.
*Security fencing was discussed for the perimeter of our property. We estimate the price of this to be around the $6,000-$7,000 range. Mike Patterson will get further details and pricing.
*Chapel Ceiling: Brother Raymon Sutton shared the problems that we currently have in the chapel with the ceiling. The ceiling is Sheetrock that is "blown" and is sagging badly. Not only does it look poor but it is beginning to pose a danger. Motions were made and accepted to have a new ceiling installed by Jeff Hopkins. Cost will be $3,000 - $4,000.00.
*Brother Sutton discussed that we budgeted $10,000 this year to work toward completion of the camp paving project. Total completion of the project is between $18,500 - $20,000. A firm price will be presented at the next board meeting.
*Brother Sutton presented the need for new insurance and a new insurance provider. Motions were presented and accepted to do this change.
*Brother Sutton & Brother Patterson presented details of the improvements to the cafeteria. There will now be two drink lines and improvements around the salad & dessert bar. Improvements and expansion to this area were recently completed (this will be such a blessing at our camps).
*Board voted to continue our membership in the CCLI.
*Rotation of Board members was discussed. Last night's meeting marked the last one for four original members of the Camp Boothe Board: Brother Tommy Holmes, Brother Charles Phillips, Brother Don Hull and Sister Louise Hull. These four individuals have worked tirelessly and have been such a blessing to the camp. Bishop Jones presented each of them with a commemorative plaque at the meeting.
Possible new Board members were discussed.
Board members present for the meeting were: L.V. Jones, Raymon Sutton, Mike Patterson, Tommy Holmes, Don Hull, Louise Hull, Joey Mojica, Dan Pierce, Charles Phillips, Brian Sutton, Gerald Terrell, Floyd West, Jr., & Gerald Wigginton.