Camp Board Meeting

(Jesus Statue outside of Staff House at Camp Boothe)

Last night I attended the Camp Boothe Board meeting at the state office. Co- Vice Chairman, Brother Ramon Sutton shared the reports with us of the camping season. God has been so good to us! We were right on target for tuitions and therefore are currently able to make our budget. Praise the Lord for the report of experiences shared by Brother Joey Mojica. Of special note was his account of 41 salvation experiences at Outreach camp alone!

A few items of interest are: To complete the paving projects needed around the camp will take about $19,000 and we have a $162,000 debt still owed on the multi-purpose building. We are praying for a $162,000 state convention offering to take care of this!

When the multi-purpose building is paid for, a new chapel would be an awesome addition, don't you think?

Praise God for His awesome work in the camping ministry. FYI: Don't miss the Camp Boothe program Friday night at the State Convention!