YOU can be a part of Fellowship Group Ministry

Christians crave community.
It’s the way we are hard-wired by our God. The Trinity exists in community. They are our pattern for relating to one another. They not only love each other, they like one another. They hang out together, do things with each other, and enjoy each other’s fellowship.

What about us?
Welcome to the twenty-first century. Too often this scenario describes our typical day and week; retreating from the busyness and intensity of the work day, we come home, put the garage door down, and escape. Not outside to the openness of our front porch, but inside to the TV in our living room. And if we go outside, it’s not to the porch on the front of our house, it’s the deck on the back of our house which is surrounded by a privacy fence. The truth is that after a long, hard day, and perhaps a crowded commute, we don’t want to see more people. The last thing we want to do at the end of a day is to have one more conversation, be forced to make one more decision, or fulfill one more request. Our goal is to avoid people—at all costs.

The problem is—it does cost. George Gallup has said, “Americans are among the loneliest people in the world.” Our lifestyles are killing us. In the midst of our business, our over committed schedules, our kid's events, our congested highways and interstates, we live in isolation. We have lots of acquaintances and very few if any close friends.

This may be the American way but it is not God’s way. We must find the will to become countercultural and begin sharing our life in Christ together. It’s the only path that will lead us to spiritual growth and fulfillment in the Christian life.

Fellowship Groups Help Solve Problem.
The Fellowship Group Ministry operated in our church family is an awesome way to grow in Christ and experience the value of friendship and love within the Body of Christ. Send an email to Pastor Brian Sutton for more information about Fellowship Groups to