A Great Lord's Day

We had a great Lord's Day today. Renee took four girls: Tayler, Amanda, Courtney & Janae to camp this morning at 7:30 a.m. Renee had to be there for a 10:00 a.m. staff meeting. Lisa Stults took Mitch, Zach and Tayler this afternoon bringing our total to seven campers from church this week.

The morning service was wonderful. With some on vacation, our worship team had a different look and leader and they did a great job leading us into the throne room of God. Our morning attendance was 119. We had a Spirit of worship and freedom. People were in the altar during worship and then after the morning message, the altar was full. God brought some people to church this morning that were an answer to prayer. He is doing great things in our midst.

This evening's service was really encouraging. After worship time, I asked several to give their testimony and it was so uplifting! It was great to hear where God had brought us from. After the message, we had a great time in the altar. I believe we all prayed that we could "Strive to enter in" as Jesus urged.

We ended the evening at DQ in Russellville with a few folks from church. We saw a bus load from Mt. Olive church there and we had a great time with them.