Collinsville Heritage Week

I was so blessed to preach at the Collinsville (Harvest Center) Church's Heritage Week last night. We (my family) drove over yesterday and we were so blessed to be in service with Pastor Don & Yvonne Brock. The Brocks were and have been so instrumental in our life and ministry and we love and appreciate them both beyond words.

The service was a great blessing. Brother Stan Dailey and the Daily family sang to open the service. It was great to see the Collinsville people who have always been such an encouragement. It was a great treat to have Pastor Butch and Chris Tanner from Browntown in service with us as well. How we love them both and appreciate the sacrifice they made in coming over so that we could see them.

Thanks Brother & Sister Brock for giving me the opportunity to minister and be a part of this special week. As always, they treated us better that the President!