This Morning's Service

Thank the Lord for a great service this morning. All of our Sunday School teachers did a wonderful job, as always. They are to be commended for their consistent efforts to teach the word of God to all who attend their classes.

We were blessed to have home on leave, Brother (Major) John Dollar. Brother John presented the church family with a flag that had been flown over his base in Iraq. He also presented the Children's Ministry with a certificate of appreciation for their cards, gifts and prayers to the troops in Iraq. Thank you Brother John for your love and thoughtfulness.

Sister Tina Raper filled in leading the worship for Sister Cynthia Stidham who was out of town. Sister Tina and the worship team did a great job. The Spirit of the Lord ministered to all present in the worship service.

Our attendance was down today, due to the overwhelming number of families on vacation. Although we missed everyone, it is a joy to know that many are getting some well deserved away or "down" time (I'm glad God never needs a vacation like us). The average attendance this month was 115, which is very good considering the May cemetery decorations and Memorial Day weekend being in this month. Praise the Lord!

It seemed like it had been a month since I had preached, so I guess I almost "blew a gasket" this morning as I preached (I almost lost my voice). Thank the Lord for those in the altar seeking God this morning.