No Service Tonight (Memorial Holiday)

There will be no church services tonight in observance of the Memorial Day weekend. My family and I will be out of town visiting Renee's parents until Thursday.

This Morning's Service

Thank the Lord for a great service this morning. All of our Sunday School teachers did a wonderful job, as always. They are to be commended for their consistent efforts to teach the word of God to all who attend their classes.

We were blessed to have home on leave, Brother (Major) John Dollar. Brother John presented the church family with a flag that had been flown over his base in Iraq. He also presented the Children's Ministry with a certificate of appreciation for their cards, gifts and prayers to the troops in Iraq. Thank you Brother John for your love and thoughtfulness.

Sister Tina Raper filled in leading the worship for Sister Cynthia Stidham who was out of town. Sister Tina and the worship team did a great job. The Spirit of the Lord ministered to all present in the worship service.

Our attendance was down today, due to the overwhelming number of families on vacation. Although we missed everyone, it is a joy to know that many are getting some well deserved away or "down" time (I'm glad God never needs a vacation like us). The average attendance this month was 115, which is very good considering the May cemetery decorations and Memorial Day weekend being in this month. Praise the Lord!

It seemed like it had been a month since I had preached, so I guess I almost "blew a gasket" this morning as I preached (I almost lost my voice). Thank the Lord for those in the altar seeking God this morning.

Deadline Extended For Camp Tutition Discount

I received confirmation that the deadline for tuition discount for this summer's camps HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO JUNE 1st. Applications are available on the church bulletin board.

Pastor Duane Taylor's Funeral

I attended Pastor Duane Taylor's (Daryl Weatherly's Brother-in law) funeral at South Highland Free-Will Baptist church in Muscle Shoals today. The house was packed as people gave honor to this great Christian and Pastor. Brother Taylor's wife was also greatly honored, as she should be, in the service.

Please continue to pray for the wonderful family that Brother Taylor leaves behind.

A "Must Read" Article about Pentecostals from USA Today

In observance of Pentecost Sunday this Sunday, Pentecostals, now often called Renewalists, were highlighted in a story in USA Today this week. PLEASE read the article by clicking here:

Pentecost Now: A Cooperative Prayer Gathering

L to R: Bishop Howard & Dr. McGuire

On Wednesday, May 23, 2007, the Church of God and the Church of God of Prophecy joined together in a Cooperative Prayer Gathering. The Church of God and the Church of God of Prophecy have declared this week, the week proceeding Pentecost Sunday 2007, as a time of united intercession for a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit power in our generation. The Church of God and Church of God of Prophecy have an Agreement of Cooperation for a joint global evangelistic initiative. The initiative is viewed as a practical demonstration of the common purposes and spiritual heritage of the two church groups.

The Cooperative Prayer Gathering, which included both denominations' leaders and office employees, began at the Church of God of Prophecy International Offices. Brother Randall E. Howard, Church of God of Prophecy General Overseer, welcomed everyone and was followed by a scripture reading from 1 Corinthians 1 led by Pastor Tim Coalter of Peerless Road Church of God of Prophecy. The message was delivered by Dr. G. Dennis McGuire, General Overseer of the Church of God. He opened by leading the attendees in the singing of the old hymn, "Holy Spirit, Come." McGuire stated that the thing that motivates Pentecostals is the Holy Ghost, and the Pentecostal movement is coming to be considered one of the world's most prominent Christian traditions, similar to the Protestant Reformation. He declared to both denominations that there is going to be revival in the last days. He said, "I'm dreaming in my soul, I'm dreaming in the last days for revival." Reverend Wallace Sibley, Evangelism and Home Missions Director for the Church of God, closed the gathering at the Church of God of Prophecy International Offices with a prayer for a fresh Pentecostal outpouring in the Church of God of Prophecy.

Both groups then headed over to the Church of God International Offices where Dr. G. Dennis McGuire welcomed all guests to the Church of God International Offices. Pastor Gary Sears of Mt. Olive Church of God followed with a reading of scripture from Acts 2. The message at the Church of God Offices was given by Brother Howard. He opened by honoring Reverend Fred S. Fisher, Sr., past general overseer of the Church of God of Prophecy, and Dr. R. Lamar Vest, past general overseer of the Church of God, for their vision in starting the Cooperative Initiative between both denominations in August 2003. The theme of his message was urgency. Howard stated, "Urgency - the enemy has taken it, and it must be returned!" He closed by declaring, "Pentecost can be repeated, for the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Brother Sam Clements, the North American Presbyter of the Church of God of Prophecy closed this gathering with a prayer for a fresh Pentecostal outpouring in the Church of God. Following Brother Clements, a cooperative offering was taken for the Caring Place ministry.

The prayer gathering was followed by a Cooperative Fellowship Luncheon in the Prayer Garden at the Church of God International Offices. Music during the luncheon was provided by the Branham Family. The Cooperative Prayer Gathering was a wonderful time of vision and fellowship between the Church of God and the Church of God of Prophecy.

Post Courtsey of: Jennifer Wallace, Church of God Division of Communicaitons

What do I bring to Camp Boothe?

Visit the Camp Boothe BLOG to find the answer to this question and others about the 2007 camping season.

Our High School Graduates

Visit our youth ministries blog to see great pictures and bios of our church's 2007 High School Graduates. View it at:

Children & Youth Sunday School / Wednesday Night Classes Ages Changes

The following changes for Youth and Children's ministries are effective June 10, 2007:

Sunday Morning Children's Church
Ages 4-12 - On their 13th birthday, all students will graduate FROM children's church INTO the sanctuary during Sunday Morning Services.

Sunday School
Ages 5-7: Teacher -Lynn Raper
Ages 8-10: Teacher -Tina Raper
Ages 11-15: Teacher(s) - Joey Stults & Josh Weatherly
Ages 16-College: Teacher - Renee Sutton

Wednesday Evening
Ages 4-10: Bible Memory Club - Ronnie & Cynthia Stidham
Ages 11-15: Crossfire - Josh & Karen Weatherly
Ages 16-College: Rodney & Kerry Anglin

No Service this Sunday NIGHT (Memorial Day)

There will be no services at church this Sunday night due to the Memorial Day holiday.
Sunday morning services will be held as scheduled.

Prayer Request: Jeff Baccus

Please continue to pray for Jeff Baccus. As many of you know, Jeff had a terrible auto accident last week which required surgery and over 40 stitches in his head. Jeff & Paula still need your prayers and encouragement.

Jared & Sean Baptism

Jared Dollar

Shawn Traywick

Last night after service I was blessed to baptize two wonderful Christians: Jared Dollar and Shawn Traywick. The baptism was held at Ronnie & Cynthia Stidham's and the water was freezing, but the love for the Lord burned hot! I am so fortunate to know these two great brethren.

Honoring our Graduates

Tailor Anglin (6th Grade)

Jacob Michael (Kindergarten)

Jared Parker (Calhoun College)

Jordan Baccus (6th Grade)

Jordan Dollar (Senior)

MItch Stults (6th Grade)

Allie Raper (6th Grade)

Charla Walker (Senior)

Courtney Michael (6th Grade)

Halie Lacey (Senior)

Heather Johnson (Senior)

We had an awesome party last night to honor the graduates in our church family. We were blessed to have 12 graduates from College to Kindergarten. Each graduate was brought to the front individually and had their biography and interesting information about them read to the church. There were beautiful decorations and a special "huge" cake to honor these wonderful people.

HHS Baccalaureate Service

I was privileged to preach the keynote message at yesterday's HHS Baccalaureate service. It was great to spend that time with a wonderful senior class. Our own Halie Lacey also was chosen to share her testimony during the service, and as always, she did a super job.

Yesterday Morning's Service

What a wonderful refreshing of the Lord that we felt yesterday morning. The Spirit of the Lord ministered to us from the beginning of the service until the end. Despite cemetary decorations, we had 120 in attendance for worship. As the Power of the Lord moved, many sought the God in the altar and several testified to being delivered and set free. Praise the Lord!

Tayler and My Mom Are Famous!!!

Tayler Sutton and her grandmother Janette Sutton start out the hoola hoop competition with a demonstration

This photo appeared in this morning's Times Daily on the front page of the region section. Tayler was the star attraction at yesterday's Senior Citizen's Appreciation Day at the Florence Coliseum performing her hula hoop routine for the 1200 people at the event. Tayler was joined during the routine by her Grandmother, my mother, who was a "star" herself. Mother does a wonderful job coordinating the Senior Citizen's Appreciation Day each year. We are so proud of Tayler and Mother, wonder if I could get an autograph???

Hackleburg Panthers 1A Baseball State Champs!!!

Congratulations to the Hackleburg Panthers, 1A State Baseball Champs! The Panthers defeated Millry in two straight games at Patterson Field in Montgomery today. 4-2 in the first game and 11-1 in the second game.

The Panther's record this year was 40-4 as they went "Wire to Wire" ranked #1 in the AHSAA 1A Baseball poll. HHS outscored its' opponents 77-14 in the playoffs. With its 11 runs today the Panthers tied a state record for most runs scored in a season (454 G.W. Long, 1999).

Mother Daughter Banquet Pictures

Mother Daughter Banquet Pictures

Mother Daughter Banquet Pictures

LA Schools Allow Student Graduation Prayer

The head of a First Amendment public-interest law firm says his own experience proves the American Civil Liberties Union is wrong in claiming that a Louisiana school district's plan to allow student-led prayers at high school graduations this spring is unconstitutional.

The Associated Press reports that Ouachita Parish will allow the senior class in all six of its public high schools to decide whether to include a prayer in their graduation ceremonies. The seniors will also have the choice of electing a student to lead the prayer. That is where the ACLU's objection comes in, according to statements from the civil liberties group's state director Joe Cook.

Mat Staver, chairman and founder of Liberty Counsel, says non-mandated student prayer is legal, and that it would actually be unconstitutional to ban such a free speech right. "The ACLU is giving out erroneous information," he asserts. "In fact, as long as it's student-initiated or student-orchestrated," Staver points out, "that message is clearly constitutional, even if it's prayer or if it's decidedly religious."

That finding comes from a Supreme Court decision in a legal case with which Staver himself was involved on behalf of a high school in the southeast United States, the attorney notes. "I litigated for eight and a half years against the ACLU in the very case that set this precedent," he says. "It went before the Court of Appeals four times, and before the U.S. Supreme Court twice. It's the Adler case out of Florida."

The ACLU does not care what the law is, Staver contends, but only about its own ideological agenda. And that agenda, he says, is bent on silencing people of faith, particularly Christians.


Mother's Day Service

We thank the Lord for a blessed Mother's Day service this morning. After a great Sunday School, we had 135 attend worship and Sister Jennie Stidham did a great job honoring all of the mothers who were present. We also honored Sister Nancy McCarley with the "Mother of the Year" award. She was unable to attend last night's Mother/Daughter Banquet, but awarded her beautiful plaque in this morning's service.

There will be no service tonight due to Mother's Day.

Mother / Daughter Banquet

Our ladies are all excited about tomorrow's mother daughter banquet. Sister Paulette Ramsey former Indiana State Women's Ministry Director will speak. The banquet begins at 6:00 p.m. at People's Trust Bank in Hackleburg. Reservations are required.

Update: Brother Lowell Stephens

I was with Brother Lowell Stephens for his surgical procedure at ECM this morning. Everything went very well and the Doctor said he should require no further treatments. He came home. Please continue to pray for him.

Camp Board Meeting

I will attend the Camp Boothe Board meeting tonight in Cullman. Please pray for the camping ministry as we approach this busy time of year (Camping Season).

Tonight's POWER HOUR

Please join us for tonight's POWER HOUR AT 7:00 P.M. Bible Memory Club, Crossfire, Consumed and Adult ministry will be featured.

Fellowship Groups Were Awesome!

I've been told that the fellowship group meetings held last night were awesome! If you have a "report" about your fellowship group's meeting, send me an email to and I'll post some of the reports on the blog.

Children's Ministry BLOG

Sister Tina Raper and Sister Beth Michael are doing an awesome job with the Children's Ministry BLOG. They have some great new pictures there from Neighbor Day. check it out at

Wonderful Sunday Morning Services

Shawn Traywick shares what God has done for him this week.

David Hamby gives his testimony of God moving in his life.

Six wonderful people receive right hand of fellowship into our church.

April, Billy Wayne, Jennifer, Barry, David & Jared covenant themselves to God's word and join our church family!

We had an awesome service at church yesterday morning. "First Sunday in May" is usually a "low" day for our church due to the cemetery decorations and reunions happening on this day. However, God blessed us with a super day! We had 115 in morning worship attendance and we were so blessed to receive six new members into the church during the service. This means 22 people have united with our church so far in 2007. We are so thankful for each one!

The service was not typical yesterday as God moved on people to share their testimony but we experienced the Lord in a special way as some shared how God had brought them through troubles and trials this week. We praise the Lord that He is in control and He is working and preforming miracles in our midst!

2007 Men's Retreat "In The Books"

We finished another trip to the Alabama Men's Retreat at Camp Boothe today. 13 men from the church traveled to Tuscaloosa to bowl yesterday, then on to camp for retreat.

We all had a great time! After service last night we went for a midnight snack at "The Iron Skillet" (Scott Williams from Sheffield joined us). Thanks to Ray McCarley for picking up the check for 14 hungry men!!!

Greg Stidham won a door prize for free tuition, then Daryl Weatherly won free tuition for Men's Ministry Director with the most men attending. Thanks to Brent Fincer, Ray McCarley and Rodney Anglin for driving this weekend.

Pictured above is everyone who attended. We are pictured with our bowling teams. Can you look at the picture and tell who won?

No First Sunday Dinner This Sunday

Due to "Decorations" in the area, there will be no First Sunday Dinner this week. We will begin Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. and worship at 11:00 a.m. as we do each Sunday. Don't miss what God is doing!

Church Membership Sunday

Praise the Lord that we will have six people join the church this Sunday. If you are interested in church membership, please see me about our New Member's class. We will be excited to have you!

Men's Retreat Tomorrow

All of the men going in the "caravan" to men's retreat need to meet at the church at 12:00 noon tomorrow. Don't forget bed linens/sleeping bag, towel and toiletries. See you tomorrow!

National Day of Prayer Service

We had a wonderful National Day of Prayer Service today at the Hackleburg Town Hall. Pictured above is my dear friend, Pastor James Nichols opening the service with a welcome and prayer. Pastor Steve Lawrence followed Brother Nichols with more prayer and I was blessed to conclude the service with prayer for our nation, leaders and military.

Thanks to those from our church who were present, as well as all of those from the community. We were blessed to have the Mayor, Doug Gunnin and our County Commissioner, Don Barnwell with us as well.

Upcoming Nursery Schedule

Church Nursery Coordinator, Sister Lisa Stults, announces the following upcoming nursery worker's schedule. Thank you Sister Lisa for your dedicated service to this ministry!

May 2007
6th: Renee Sutton & Tayler Sutton
13th: Angie Raper & Tina Stults
20th: Jean Stults & Requeena Weatherly
27th: Jamie Hamby & Angie Wellington

June 2007
3rd: Emily Stidham & Lisa Stidham
10th: Jean Stults & Joann Scott
17th: Holly Treywick & Sherry Hallmark
24th: Pat Clark & Kerry Anglin

Fill - In Jeannie Stidham & Lisa Stults

To volunteer for the nursery ministry please email Sister Lisa at