Today's Wonderful Morning Service

Wow! How can it get better? God has moved in our midst so much in the past three weeks that we are overjoyed. This morning's service was just another "refreshing from the presence of the Lord." We had 123 join us today for the worship service. The worship team did an awesome job. Brother Rodney Anglin sang a solo and inspired many not only with his singing but with his testimony.

The altar service was tremendous. We praise the Lord for another soul being saved in the altar. A young lady named Tiffany gave her heart to the Lord! She gave a wonderful testimony after the service.

Loretta Galbreath gave a powerful testimony about her healing of cancer this week and Jared Dollar blessed us all as he shared how the Lord had wonderfully saved him and delivered him of a drug addiction Monday. Do you believe that God is able to do EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY, above what we can ask or even think? I do! We have only scratched the surface!