Today's Easter Services

We had a wonderful day today with two awesome services. The day began at 7:00 a.m. for the Ministerial Association sunrise service at our church with 98 in attendance. We were blessed to have so many friends and neighbors including our county commissioner, Don Barnwell and our U.S. Senator, Robert Aderholt with us. It was a great time and our worship team did an absolutely FANTASTIC job! They rocked!

Our regular morning service was also wonderful and we were so blessed as we gathered to celebrate our risen Savior. We greeted 140 in attendance to this service which brings our total for these two services to 238 for today!

The greatest part of today was the fact that another lost soul came back to Jesus this morning in our altar. Praise the Lord! God is doing such awesome things in our midst. We look forward to His continued blessings.

We did not have evening services.