Scenes From Renewal 2011

Renewal Women's Conference begins...Thanks to all our volunteers who made the conference happen... Debbie, Jamie & Lydia is excited about the conference...
Welcome by Women's Ministry Director, Ms. Janet Baker...
Intercessor, Ms. April Price...
Friday Worship...
Halie...Sing, Sing, Sing
Thanks to the guys in our worship team for their support...Jason, Joey, Daryl & Chantry
The Father draws us near as we worship...
Lord, we want more & more & more & more...

Pastor Liz ministers on "REAL CHANGE"...
Soaking in the WORD...
Seeking the Father's heart...

Great door prizes ready for the taking...
Visitors throughout the region gathered for time with the King...
Special music by Jaqueline Parker..."His love is deep and wide"...
Sister Janet did an amazing job coordinating the events....
Pastor Clint shares from his heart for Renewal in the men of this generation...
Saturday morning worship...
Jennifer sings How Beautiful the Blood...
Halie sings How He Loves...
Special guest, Ms. Shauna Thompson Meyers...
Beautiful illustration of the simplicity of private time with our Lord...
Open arms, open hearts...
Spiritual healing....true RENEWAL...