Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lynn's medley touched our hearts...

Pastor Clint and Liz explain the principle of sowing financal seeds...

Worship Time!Susie gives Him praise..."For all He's done!"

Jennifer..."I will wait for You, Jesus"...

Oh, how He loves us!

Pastor Clint brings the Bread of Life...
Josh and Karen Weatherly bring their son, Evan to be dedicated back to God...

Mr. Evan Weatherly....

Pastor Clints teaches us to take every opportunity to LIVE truth in front of our children...

It's always a blessing to celebrate the precious gift of life...

Grandparents, great-grandmother, aunts and uncles join Josh and Karen in their promise...
Pastor Liz presents Evan with a Children's Bible...A day we will remember forever...Evan's "Fan Club"Family Series: "How to Rear Excruciatingly Perfect Children"

Jamie & Bridget Braunum bring their family to seek God's favor for their lives...

Bridget explains how God blessed them with three more siblings through Foster Parenting...

Pastor Clint & Liz presents the family with a gift...

Miss Allison...

Princess Addison...

Jamie is the architect who helped design our church building. "Thanks to the Braumum family for sharing their story with us." Back for Sunday Evening Worship..."Stop what you are doing now and look at where you are at."
We must conquer the giant in front of us before claiming new territory.
Fellowship after service... Anyone going home?
That must be some big story they're telling!
"Poppy" gives a shofar lesson...heeheehee!